72 years old lady, in good health but with the necessity to replace all the teeth in the maxilla and in the mandible. The case immediately appears very complex due to the need to restore the vertical dimension and centric relationship lost over the years

Extractions and simultaneous implant insertion in the lower and upper jaws with heterologous bone insertion

detection of the position of the implants at the end of the surgery with the new vertical dimension and centric relationship

lower provisional restoration

Upper provisional restoration

Provisional prostheses inserted 48 hours after the surgery

Clinical situation 1 week after the surgery

Clinical situation 2 week after the surgery

Clinical situation 2 years after the surgery

soft tissues clinical situation 2 years after the surgery

final prostheses with titanium framework and composite teeth

X ray control

Fantastic! Great job Dr. Garlini
Nice! The patient must be really satisfied :)
Excellent Case Doctor!