Patient 48 years old , with important social relationship , the patient has a total impairment of upper frontal group.

Fractured on 2.3 and on 1.1 the bridge is decemented ,no health problem, we decided for a post extractive surgery with regeneration and immediate loading ,not funtional

The situation at time of surgery.

The surgical menagement required the use of the piezo, bone harvesting with tissue scratcher and alloplastic bone (endobone)with Tissel (Baxter).

The field is preparated to accomodate the reasorbable membrane in
collagen (osseoguard) with two pins.

The abutement and the temporary

X ray contol and the next one image after seven mounth of temporary.

The prostetic transition with the union of the coping transfer by wire and patten resin
The tissue ealing and the prostesis

The x ray control and the prostesis after four years

After the last oral hygine. 2019-2022

Always nice but not so easy!!!!
Your case is just excellent as always :)