Usually, issuing a bridge with deep sulcus is difficult due to divergent path of insertion of implant connections.
Sometimes the bridges fit on the model but is impossible to fit onto the mouth since the technician works with a gingival mask and removes it during fitting as they would over contour the emergence profile to give the restoration a natural form.
The deep sulcus also presents an obstruction to the abutment connections directly to the fixture connection.
To overcome this issue, multi unit abutments are placed on dental implant fixtures to bring the prosthetic platform to 1mm below the sulcus.
Master impression utilizing open tray copings note narrow emergence profile of copings to avoid interference with adjacent bony protrusions
17 degree multi unit abutment placed to correct screw channel direction
14 to 24 bridge issued with 4 multi unit abutments easily fitted and issued.
Unfortunately patient enjoys chewing on nuts.
Subsequently patient returned with screw loosening and fracture of abutment screw on multi units.
Screw fracture inside muli units easily resolved by removing multi unit abutments and removal of broken screw extra- orally. (will share photos later)