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4 years follow-up of a clinical case of sinus graft done by SCA and SLA kit

Writer's picture: Dr. Jongyub KimDr. Jongyub Kim
Patient information

Patient: 52 years old male Dental history: partially edentulous maxilla

Preoperative observation
Treatment planning

Implants placement on #14, #15, #16 & #26 following bilateral sinus augmentation

Two small lateral hole was made using the LS reamer in the SLA kit.

A combination of Calpore and Allograft was used for the sinus graft.

Sinus was filled with bone grafting material.

Additional bone graft was made to the defect on a premolar site.

A titanium mesh was placed over the graft.

The wound closure was achieved with a combination of horizontal and interrupted suture.

Postoperative panoramic view.

Preoperative clinical view of the maxillary left posterior area.

The left sinus was augmented by the crestal approach.

The sinus was grafted by the crestal approach using the SCA kit.

CMI IS ll active implant was placed in the grafted maxilla.

Panoramic radiograph taken after the surgery.

5 months postoperative clinical view. No membrane exposure was found.

3 implants were successfully placed due to good bone formation made on the buccal side.

Submerged for #14; non submerged for #15 and #16.

Postoperative radiographic view.

Final single SCRP crown on #26.

Buccal view.

Periapical radiographic view.

Soft tissue has healed 4 months after the surgery.

Customized abutments were tried in.

SCRP single crown on #14 and SCRP two unit PFM FPD on #15 and #16 were tried in.

SCRP single crown on #14 and SCRP two unit PFM FPD were delivered.

Postoperative panoramic view.

4 years postloading radiograph. All implants are successfully maintained without bone loss.



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