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Sinus augmentation in a thin residual bone height of posterior maxilla with SLA Kit and CMI Implant:

Patient information Gender: Male Age: 42 Medical history: Clinically healthy, absent of drug and allergy history Dental history: Scaling, Filing, Extraction Chief complaint: Tooth replacement in missing area of upper right region

Pre-operative findings

Tooth #16 was extracted 2 years ago, no active inflammatory in oral cavity. Good oral hygiene, overall periodontium was healthy Normal mouth opening range No limited space in area of 16

Diagnosis and Treatment planning Diagnosis Edentulous area #16 with severe pneumatization of maxillary sinus Treatment planning 1. Lateral window sinus lift via staged approach area #16 2. Implant placement and conventional loading area #16

Access was gained via full thickness flap with crestal and vertical incision in papilla-sparing manner.

3-mm above marginal bone level, open antrostomy was created via ø6.5mm LS-reamer [SLA Kit, Neobiotech]

Thin bone disk was completely created with LS-reamer

Schneiderian membrane was detached via sinus curette no. 1,2,3[SLA Kit] without perforation.

Schneiderian membrane was completely lifted without perforation or bleeding.

Sinus cavity was grafted with deproteinized bovine bone mineral(DBBM).

Resorbable native collagen membrane was trimmed and placed over the antrostomy site.

Tension-free, water-tight seal, primary wound closure was done.

13-mm of sinus lifting range was detected in immediate post-operative radiograph.

7 months later, grafting material was fully incorporated with surrounding pristine bone without collapse of schneiderian membrane or any complication.

CMI Implant (IS-III active) ø5.0 x 10mm was placed in correct 3D position with adequate primary stability.

CMI Implant (IS-III active) ø5.0 x 10mm was placed in correct 3D position with adequate primary stability.

Follow-up Results

After 6 months of function, peri-implant mucosa was healthy with stable marginal bone level. Patient was satisfied with the treatment outcomes.


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